StomatologyEduJournal1-2015 | Page 39

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT NEED AND ORAL HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN Table 2 Characteristics and orthodontic treatment need of the subjects Sample Men Women Total Number 343 341 684 Age(Mean± SD) 16 ±0.7 16 ±0.8 16 ±0.8 IOTN 1 65 93 158 IOTN 2 146 109 255 IOTN3 76 96 172 IOTN 4 25 16 41 IOTN 5 10 7 17 Previous Ortho Treatment 21 20 41 need” (Table 1). The IOTN has problematic since some patients who have no psychosocial need for treatment would be perceived as requiring treatment (12). The use of OHRQoL measures in addition to professional indices offers a potentially useful combination. Therefore, various studies have evaluated IOTN and its impact on OHRQoL. Masood et al (13) found that malocclusion has a significant negative impact on OHRQoL and its domains. Nevertheless, there was no reported difference in impact between male and females. Agou et al also found that the impact of malocclusion on quality of life is substantial in children with low self-esteem (14). Nevertheless, some other authors did not find any relationship between malocclusion or orthodontic treatment need and OHRQoL (15-17). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of different orthodontic treatment needs on the OHRQOL of young adults. Material and Methods This study received approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of the IAU University of medical sciences. Twelve schools were randomly selected among all high schools in the east, west, north, south, and center of Tehran (Iran) and a random sample of 684 (343 boys and 341 girls) aged 15–17 year-olds attending these schools was selected (30 to 35 subjects were randomly selected from each school). Parents of sampled children were notified about the purposes of the study. Each patient was examined for orthodontic treatment need with IOTN. The examinations were conducted at school during the day, by one trained and calibrated dentist with the help of a tongue blade, mirror, probe and ruler; no radiographs were taken. The treatment needs of the patients were categorized as little or no treatment needed (IOTN 1 and 2), borderline need (IOTN 3), and definite need for treatment (IOTN 4 and 5). The subjects with previous orthodontic treatment were also categorized as a separate group. Examiner error was determined by re-examining 30 subjects after a period of at least two weeks. The error was non-significant. The subjects were also asked to complete questionnaires incorporating the Short STOMA.EDUJ (2015) 2 (1) Form Oral Health Impact Profile measure (OHIP-14, a generic oral health–related QoL assessment) (18). The OHIP is designed to determine the perception of the social impact of oral disorders and has well-documented psychometric properties (19) .Responses to the 14 items of OHIP were recorded in a 5-point Likert scale (0= never, 1= hardly ever, 2= occasionally, 3 = fairly often, 4 = very often). The responses were dichotomized as “impact” and “no impact”. The responses of “never” and “hardly ever” were considered as “no impact” and “occasionally”, “fairly often”, and “very often” were considered as at least some oral health “impact”. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Version 20 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, Illinois, USA) was used to analyze the data. Chi-Square test was used to analyze the data and p-value was set at P < 0.05. Results A total of 684 students (mean age16±0.8 years) from 12 secondary schools were examined. Table 2 shows that the samples included 343 male and 341 female subjects. Table 2 also shows the detailed distribution of subjects based on their IOTN grades. As can be seen in table 3, daily activities were associated with higher orthodontic treatment needs in both male and female subjects. Almost none of the subjects with no or little treatment need and borderline treatment need had problem pronouncing words; while 26 % of the male students and 30% of the female students of the definite need for treatment group had problem pronouncing words. (P<0.001) About 70% of the female subjects and 43% of the male subjects of the definite need for treatment group felt tense in their life; while, only 5% of the male subjects and 4% of the female subjects of the no or little treatment need group felt tense. Chi-square test showed that all daily activities were significantly affected by the treatment need. Discussion This study showed that malocclusion has both physical and psychological impacts on male and female subjects who are in definite need for orthodontic treatment. The findings of this study corresponds with the study conducted by Hassan and Amin Hel (20). Their study results highlighted 39