StomatologyEduJournal1-2015 | Page 23

SMILE AESTHETICS APPRECIATED BY LAYPERSONS A B C Figure 4 Variants for posterior smile height A B C D Figure 5 Variants for the last visible maxillary tooth during smile actions A B C Figure 6 Variants for the percentage of buccal corridor Posterior smile height, highlights the following variants: A. high smile-a continuous ribbon of gum above the first maxillary premolar; B. medium smile-showing 75% - 100% of the first maxillary premolar C. reduced smile-showing less than 75% of maxillary first premolar visible (Fig. 4). The last visible maxillary tooth during smile actions can be: - the canine; - the first premolar; - the second premolar; D. the first molar (Fig. 5). The percentage of buccal corridor was determined as follows: we measured with a line the distance from the most posterior point of the most posterior tooth on one side at the same point on the contralateral side (maxillary interdental width), and then we measured the distance to the narrowest point visible in the inner corner of the buccal mucosa at the same point on the opposite side. This measurement was divided by the maxillary interdental width. For example, 0.88 means that maxillary dentition occupied 88% of the intercommisural anterior width and the buccal corridor would be then 12% (100% - 88%) of full smile. This number was recorded and highlighted in three ways: STOMA.EDUJ (2015) 2 (1) A. wide / large -18%; B. medium -12%; C. reduced / small - 2% (Fig. 6). These images were analyzed by the group of 150 young people who appreciated the aesthetics of these photos, setting to the most aesthetic and most unsightly of each component. Results The majority of young people (71.33%) determined for component 1 as the most aesthetic the alternative with the parallelism between smile arch and lower lip line-variant A and 94.66% of them felt that a reverse arch smile is the most unsightlyvariant C (Fig. 7). For component 2 (the free edge of the lining of the upper lip) 62.66% considered the as the most aesthetic, the horizontal linear smile (version A) and 69.33% of them considered concave smile as the ugliest-variant B (Fig 8). For anterior smile height, 85.33 % appreciated the medium smile as the most aesthetic one (variant B) and tall gum smile was rated as the ugliest-64.66 % - variant A (Fig. 9). For posterior smile height, 50.66% appreciated medium smile as the most aesthetic-variant B and 42 % rated the tall smile as the ugliest-variant A (Fig. 10). 23