StomatologyEduJournal1-2015 | Page 51

A MINIMALISTIC MANAGEMENT APPROACH FOR THE COMPROMISED ELDERLY PATIENT who appear to have dementia suffer from pseudosenility syndromes and have in fact communication disorders. Therefore, ageism often contributes to the over-diagnosis of dementia. It is essential to have good knowledge of the cognitive status, namely speech, hearing, and language difficulties and also to know how to evaluate a patient who is suspected of suffering from dementia. The FROMAJE test is a quick easy mental evaluation test. The FROMAJE--an acronym for Function, Reasoning, Orientation, Memory, Arithmetic, Judgment, and Emotion--Mental Status Guide (FMSG): m Function: Mental function adequate or inadequate; m Reasoning: Understanding test about the abillity to explain the meaning of a proverb; m Orientation: Timing dysfunction; m Memory: Distant, recent and immediate memory; m Arithmetic: Counting, addition and subtraction; m Judgment: Appreciation of cause effect relationship; m Emotional state: Patient behavior during the interview. A total score will give information about the risk to deliver a successful treatment. Oral status Aging is characterized by important changes of the human organs. The conjunction of these changes with age-related pathologies leads to the need of multiple medications in order to maintain their quality of life. There is a danger when using a great number of drugs as the elderly do, as that could also result in undesirable side effects. Mouth dryness or Xerostomia is one of the common phenomena. Xerostomia has numerous consequences which affect eating, swallowing, and taste reduction, thus impairing the nutritional status. The diminution of the saliva flow will result in the poor retention of the removable prosthesis and a burning mouth pain.5 Symptoms such as a burning mouth, dry lips and altered speech and an ulcerated mucosa are the consequences of hypo salivation and xerostomia. It has been estimated that actually about 30% of the elderly suffer from hypo salivation and xerostomia.6 Taste alteration, mouth dryness and teeth staining are often side effects of the medication taken by the elderly. A survey in Helsinki demonstrates there is a relationship between the drug intake and xerostomia; that the great the number of medication, the greater the probability of mouth dryness. Taste reduction influences dietetic habits with an important consumption of salt or sugar. Oral Cancer has high morbidity and mortality.7 Commonly the 5 year survival rate is 75 % for local lesions, but in the case of lesions with distant metastasis only 17%. The direct causes are; tobacco, alcohol, infections, and chronic irritation due to very sharp teeth or prosthesis. The indirect causes are nutritional deficiencies, poor oral awareness, and poor access to oral care for prevention and early detection. Oral diseases are frequent and there is a need for an integrative approach concerning the understanding and management of the oral condi [ۜ