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Acknowledgments The authors have no conflicts of interest . This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public , commercial , or not-forprofit sectors . The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationship that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest .
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Original Article

Filippo DA POZZO
MD LAFAS , Laboratory of Functional Anatomy of the Stomatognathic System
Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health , University of Milan via Mangiagalli 31 , I-20133 Milano , Italy


Filippo Da Pozzo , MD , graduated in 2017 with the highest grades in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan . Since 2015 he has been attending the university department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the polyclinic hospital Fondazione IRCCS Ca ' Granda in Milan . He is currently a member of the research staff in the Laboratory of Functional Anatomy of the Stomatognathic System - LAFAS , Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health at the University of Milan , Milan , Italy . His fields of research are the morphological and metrical assessment of anatomical characteristics of craniofacial structures , including their modifications with pathology and treatment .


1 . Which instruments can be used to measure soft tissue facial asymmetry ? qa . Bite wing radiographs ; qb . Lateral plane teleradiographs ; qc . Stereophotogrammetric units ; qd . Conventional orthopantomographs .
2 . How was facial asymmetry measured ? qa . Using Root Mean Square distances among images ; qb . Using surface electromyography ; qc . Superimposing facial photos to Computerized Tomography reconstructions ; qd . Measuring the distances between selected skeletal landmarks .
3 . In the current study we investigated qa . Three-dimensional modifications in dental arch diameters ; qb . The effect of operator experience in making facial measurements ; qc . The use of Computerized Tomography to measure facial asymmetry ; qd . A new protocol to assess localized soft-tissue facial asymmetry .
4 . In the current investigation , we found that : qa . Soft-tissue facial asymmetry increased after dental extraction ; qb . Skeletal facial asymmetry decreased after implant placement ; qc . Soft-tissue facial asymmetry decreased after orthognathic surgery ; qd . Dental arch asymmetry increased after functional orthodontic treatment .
Stomatology Edu Journal