StomatologyEduJ 5(1) SEJ_5_1 | Page 37

system towards the somatosensory cortex, there occur various reflex activities, due to modifications of muscle tone and onset of myogenous pain. However, the correlations between reflex activity and pain expression are not yet studied deeply. According to several research projects, there are no statistically significant differences in the EMG indices in patients, which feel pain in the masticatory muscles compared to those with no pain [12,29]. The authors state that this phenomenon is due to central neuronal adaptation mechanisms, modifications of the pain modulation mechanisms and because of central sensitization phenomena. It should be taken into account that various poorly expressed algic manifestations may be present for a short term in healthy individuals as well. It is to be noted that myogenous pain in younger patients is more pronounced than in older patients. This phenomenon was also observed by other researchers [8,9,12,30,31], who explain it through the processes of adaptation to chronic pain observed in older people. The results demonstrate that the psychoemotional factor (scale V), myogenous (scale II), circadian (scale VI), and pain duration (scale VIII) are quite pronounced in SB patients, that are either under or over 35. The pain pattern in patients under 35 may be characterized as a psycho-emotionalmyogenous circadian pain and for the older patients as a psycho-emotional-myogenous- arthrogenic circadian pain. The data obtained confirm the results from the scientific literature – consequent to aging (until 61 years); an increase of the masseter muscle thickness can be observed [32]. There are several hypotheses regarding this problem: the increase of the masseter muscle thickness may occur as a result to muscle edema, fat accumulation, deficiency of protein metabolism, effects of psychoactive substances (alcohol, nicotine, etc.). Under the influence of previous inflammatory processes, the thickness of the muscle increases by approximately 4.3 mm [32]. Patients with SB show areas of muscle hypertonus (trigger zones) in which ultrasonographic examination shows changes in the echo-structure, left/right asymmetry and modification of the masseter muscle thickness. In patients with SB under 35, the presence of local pathological echogenics is more frequent, which in most cases corresponds to the localization of the algic areas during palpation of the masseter muscles. In patients with SB over 35, besides the local pathological echogenicity, quite frequently a diffuse pathological echogenicity was observed. In the scientific literature, these aspects are being debated – it has been established that during the first stages of the disorders of the masseter muscle activity, local hypo- echogenic areas appear, which afterwards, due to the aggravation of the disturbances, transform into diffuse hyperechogenic zones [18]. An important dental index for SB is the presence of dental abrasion. Surprisingly, there was no statistically significant correlations observed between the EMG activity of the muscles and the degree of dental abrasion [33]. Some researchers consider that Stomatology Edu Journal currently, there is an overemphasis on SB as a causative factor in tooth wear [4]. No valid correlations were found between dental wear and the age of patients,  the occlusal factors and the degree of temporo- mandibular joint dysfunction. These data demonstrate that wear is associated with various factors, including cerebral factors. Moreover, a specific study has not revealed any statist ically significant differences in the bioelectric activity of masticatory muscles during sleep between patients with and without signs of dental wear [31]. While assessing dental abrasion as a diagnostic sign of SB, it is necessary to highlight other etiopathogenic factors; dental abrasion is not the main criterion in the diagnosis of SB, because it can occur in other pathologies as well (acid reflux, long-term consumption of acidic juices, etc.) [30,31]. In summary, the following SB manifestations occur with a higher severity in patients under 35 years of age (statistically significant), when compared to older patients – p < 0.05): • clinical signs of bruxism, assessed by means of the clinical questionnaire (p < 0,05); • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, assessed by means of Fonseca questionnaire (p < 0.05), • total number of clenches (TNC) (p < 0.001), • total duration of clenches (TCT) (p < 0.001). The following SB manifestations occur with a higher severity in patients over 35 years of age (statistically significant), when compared to younger patients – p < 0.05): • pathological thickness of the masseter muscle (MM), determined by ultrasound (p < 0.001), • pathological echogenicity of the MM, determined by ultrasound (p < 0.01), • shorter sleep duration (p < 0.05), pathological quality of sleep (p < 0.001). The results obtained show that there are important peculiarities of the clinical manifestations of primary sleep bruxism according to the age of the patients, which can be detected by the application of clinical and paraclinical diagnostic methods, mainly by using technologies able to continuously monitor the bioelectric activity of the masticatory muscles and the morpho-functional status of the stomatognathic system through ultrasonography. MANIFESTATION OF SLEEP BRUXISM ACCORDING TO THE AGE OF PATIENTS 5. Conclusions 1. The expression of primary sleep bruxism is influenced by the age of the patients: the younger patients (18-35 years of age) are characterized by having more severe disorders regarding the episodes of sleep bruxism, with more pronounced myogenous-spastic manifestations; older patients (35-50 years of age) are characterized by the predominance of local and diffuse myogenic- structural disturbances, with more pronounced arthrogenic pains, with more severe quantitative and qualitative disturbances of nighttime sleep. 2. The expression of the emotional stress and the quantitative manifestations of dental abrasion are not essentially different in patients with primary sleep bruxism based on the age factor. 35