StomatologyEduJ 5(1) SEJ_5_1 | Page 22

TOUGHNESS MEASUREMENT IN DIRECT RESIN COMPOSITES USING QUANTITATIVE FRACTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Figure 1. Optical Micrograph of Knoop Indentation Demonstrating the Measurement for Elastic Modulus. Figure 3. Example of a corner crack. The lines indicate the dimensions of the crack at the fracture origin. Figure 2. Example of an internal crack. The arrow points to fracture origin. and thus increases the number of measurements and increases precision. For completeness, the Knoop hardness value was also determined at 0.5 kg at a loading and unloading time of 30 s. The elastic modulus was determined using a technique developed by Marshall [21] and Conway [22]. The method used the geometry of the Knoop indenter, i.e., due to the asymmetrical shape of the indenter, one direction of the impression is elongated and the transverse direction is considerably shortened. Upon loading, the geometry of the impression will be determined by the shape of the diamond (cf. Figure 1). Upon unloading, the shorter direction (2b*) will contract (2b R ) due to the elasticity of the material. The elongated end (2a*) will not be measurably changed because of the length. Thus, the difference between the original measurement of the diagonals (from the shape of the diamond) and the impression on the material will provide a measure of the elasticity of the material. The E/H ratio can be calculated from the measurement of the diagonals as shown in equation 3 [22]: (3) where H is the Knoop hardness, ν is Poisson’s ratio (0.3), γ = 75 (the average half angle of the Knoop indenter), b* is half the minor diagonal at maximum load, and b R is half the residual minor diagonal that is measured. The value of b* can be calculated for the Knoop indenter because it is related to the major diameter, i.e., b* = 20 Figure 4. Example of a surface crack. Yellow lines indicate the width and depth of the crack at the fracture origin. Black arrows indicate direction of crack propagation away from the crack origin. White arrows indicate twist hackle marks on the fracture surface. Table 2. Average values of obtained data. Physical Property Fracture toughness (MPa Standard Deviation ) 0.5 0.2 Vickers Hardness (MPa) 509 27 Y (geometric constant) 1.28 0.04 10 1.7 Elastic Modulus (GPa) 90% Confidence Interval Unbiased Weibull Modulus 4.4 3.4 - 5.6 Characteristic Strength (MPa) 26 24 - 28 7.11a*, where a* is half the major diagonal, assumed to be the same before and after indentation. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(1): 18-23.