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in case of failure of a digital protocol , a traditional approach can always be instituted , or a combination of the two . 85 A survey of U . S . post-doctoral program directors and predoctoral department chairs found that the use of digital technology in denture fabrication is incorporated in more than half of the graduate programs , while only 12 % of the surveyed schools observe it in predoctoral education . It is estimated that up to 10 % of complete dentures delivered in academic settings are processed by digital means . 86 The use of digital technologies for complete denture fabrication in predoctoral education was found to be an effective and time saving method . The process was preferred and used effectively by students . 87
6 . Denturists and clinical dental technicians Denturism was defined as the practice of fabrication and fitting of removable dentures by dental technicians , who perform both the clinical and laboratory stages of denture making . 88 In some countries , denturists are known as clinical dental technicians . In the U . S . the practice of denturism is regulated in WA , OR , ID , MT , AZ , ME . Other states are seeking regulation ( WY , TX , IL , IN , KY , TN , PA , VT , MA ), with recent legislative action in CA , CO , OK , GA . 89 Denturists practice legally also in Canada , New Zeeland , and Finland . There is an indication of illegal practice of denturism in Belgium , Greece , and the U . K ., 90 but it is probably much more widespread , especially in the developing world . It was speculated that the development of denturism was mainly driven by dental technicians . Access to care was supposedly improved in the areas where denturists are allowed to practice . 90 The literature on the practice of denturism is scarce ; more data are needed before making informed recommendations on what role should such a category of dental professionals play in the modern prosthodontic care delivery .
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7 . Summary and conclusions Although prevalence of edentulism is expected to further decrease in the future , as population is increasing and aging , many millions of people will still be edentulous during the next decades , especially within the lower socio-economic segment of population . Implant-retained / supported restorations may remain rather a privilege , than a mainstream treatment . The future of conventional complete denture treatment , as we know it from classic textbooks , remains questionable , considering the reduced appetite of general practitioners and patients for time consuming treatments . In this climate , simplified techniques deserve an increasing attention from practitioners and dental educators , as it was shown that such methods enable similar results , as compared to traditional protocols . Digital technologies are expected to further improve treatment outcomes , within simplified protocols . As mid-level dental providers became a reality in some jurisdictions , denturism could be considered part of the solution too , especially in underserved areas . In the 21 st century , no one should walk around toothless . Our patients deserve outcome driven , predictable , time- and cost-effective treatments , within dental care delivery systems that are able to absorb the consistent need for such therapies .
Author contributions Study concept and preparation of manuscript - SUT . Revision of manuscript and literature search - MVC . Acknowledgements The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest .
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