StomatologyEduJ 5(1) SEJ_4-2017r | Page 36


Original Articles

( 4 – 2.2 % on the right and 7 – 3.8 % on the left ), the upper central incisor – 8 teeth ( 4 – 2.2 % on the right and 4 – 2.2 % on the left ), the lower lateral incisor 3 - 1.6 % cases on the left . We observed single cases of impacted upper lateral incisors , lower first molar and upper second molar . The impaction of a single tooth is observed in 117 ( 64.3 %) of the patients . The impaction of two teeth we observed in 56 ( 30.8 %), the impaction of three teeth in 5 ( 2.7 %), the impaction of four teeth in 3 cases ( 1.6 %), the impaction of 5 teeth in one case ( 0.5 %). The impaction of two teeth in the dentition is most often observed as a combination of the upper left and right canine , 24 cases ( 13.2 %). The analysis showed 11 ( 6 %) cases with impacted upper left and right premolars , four cases ( 2.2 %) of impacted lower second premolars , three cases ( 1.6 %) with both upper and lower canines impacted . The impaction of both of the lower canines is observed in 2 ( 1.1 %) cases and impaction of the second premolars in 4 cases ( 2.2 %). Four patients ( 2.2 %) have one upper and one lower impacted canine . The following rare clinical cases were diagnosed and treated : unilateral impaction in the upper jaw of the canine and central incisor ; canine and second premolar ; canine and second molar in the lower jaw , two upper central incisors . An impaction of the upper teeth 132 ( 72.5 %) is most likely to occur rather than of the lower teeth 36 ( 19.8 %). The impaction in both jaws is observed in 14 ( 7.7 %) patients . The distribution of the impacted teeth in the left part 72 ( 39.6 %) and in the right part 55 ( 30.2 %) is without any significant statistical difference as well as the mixed impaction on both sides 55 ( 30.2 %) of the patients . The statistical data show that the problem is observed most often in permanent ( 163 - 89.6 %) rather than in the mixed dentition ( 19 -10.4 %). If patients are classified in groups : out of the 9 -13 year olds ( developing of the permanent dentition ), there are 71 patients ( 39 %) included . In the14 - 17 year old group ( the age of bone growth ), there are 82 ( 45.1 %) patients included . In the 18 -21 years old group ( the group of young adults ), there are 26 ( 14.3 %) patients included . In 21 + years old group there are 3 ( 1.6 %) patients . The hypothesis of the dependence between the impaction of teeth and other orthodontic phenomena and deformations was also studied . Fisher ’ s exact test allowed the detection of a statistically significant relation between tooth agenesis and impaction for p = 0.014 . A relation between odonthoma collections and impaction has also been identified . Another orthodontic problem , which was related to impaction was tooth transposition for p = 0.015 . The results are shown in Table 1 . Another hypothesis studied is related to the management of the orthodontic treatment itself in patients with impacted teeth and then in the area with the freed up space for extrusion and arrangement of an impacted tooth in the dental arch . The study tried to see if there is a relationship when the treatment used the method of distalization of the upper molars with the Pendulum appliance and also released space in the arc by the extraction of permanent teeth ( Table 2 ). What was also reviewed was the linkage between the numbers of extractions when treating patients with impacted and non - impacted teeth . The link is statistically significant ( p = 0.035 ) in both groups of patients . With the patients without impacted teeth , the extraction percentage of treatments is 11.88 %, while with those with impacted teeth 10 ( 98 %). These are roughly similar values . The table clearly shows that most often symmetrical extractions of two or four teeth are conducted , which is a principle for maintaining good occlusal proportions and symmetry . A statistically significant
Table 2 . Relationship between the treatment of impacted teeth and the treatment approach for distalization of the upper molars by the Pendulum appliance or by tooth extraction .
Extraction treatment :
acc . to the number of the extracted teeth
Without extraction
With extraction of 1
With extraction of 2
With extraction of 3
With extraction of 4
Total Patients non treated with Pendulum Patients treated with Pendulum
N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Patients with non-impacted teeth 1253 88.1 % 14 1.0 % 53 3.7 % 12 0.8 % 90 6.3 % 1422 100.0 % 1187 83.5 % 235 16.5 % 1422 100.0 %
Patients with impacted teeth 162 89.0 % 2 1.1 % 13 7.1 % 1 0.5 % 4 2.2 % 182 100.0 % 140 76.9 % 42 23.1 % 182 100.0 %
Total 1415 88.2 % 16 1.0 % 66 4.1 % 13 0.8 % 94 5.9 % 1604 100.0 % 1327 82.7 % 277 17.3 % 1604 100.0 %


Stoma Edu J . 2017 ; 4 ( 4 ): 264-269 http :// www . stomaeduj . com