STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3 SEJ_3-2017_Online | Page 56

Effective applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry and in head and neck surgery

Review Articles

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22 . Conill Tobías N , de Paula Vernetta C , García Callejo FJ , Marco Algarra J . Objective tinnitus from palatal myoclonus . Use of botulinum toxin : a case report . Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp . 2012 ; 63 ( 5 ): 391-392 . doi : 10.1016 / j . otorri . 2011.02.004 [ Full text links ] [ Free full text ] [ PubMed ]
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DDS , PhD , Associate Professor Department of Stomatology
Medical Faculty , Charles University Prague , Czech Republic


Roman Šmucler graduated from the First School of Medicine , Charles University , Prague . He is an Oral Surgeon and a specialist in Aesthetic and Laser Medicine ( PDT , BTX , Lasers , Dental implants ) as well as a professor of Medical Business . Associate Professor at Charles University Prague ; Associate Professor at University of PJ Safarik , Kosice . President of the Czech Dental Chamber . Chair of the Czech Society of Aesthetic and Laser Medicine ; Board member of IMCAS Academy ; Member or Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery , Inc . ( ASLMS ), American Academy of Implant Dentistry ( AAID ), American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry ( AACD ), ELA .


Stoma Edu J . 2017 ; 4 ( 3 ): 200-207 http :// www . stomaeduj . com