STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3 SEJ_3-2017_Online | Page 33

17 years of a Bioceramic history ‘01 Since the launch of the 1st Angelus Bioceramic in 2001, the renowned MTA Angelus White and Gray, the company did not stop! MTA Angelus gelus Bioceramic reparative cement Clinical Case¹ • Ions Calcium Release - Enhances formation of mineralized tissues; provides biological seal of perforations and total repair of damaged periradicular tissues • Biological action - Capable of inducing neoformation of periradicular cementum • Hydrophilic - Can be used in humid areas without losing properties Initial nitial X-ray ‘10 60 days post op In 2010, MTA-Fillapex - the 1st MTA-based sealer (paste / paste) in the world reached the market! ‘16 MTA-Fillapex x Clinical Case² Bioceramic root canal sealer • Biocompatible - Tissue recovery without causing inflammatory reactions • High radiopacity - Great radiographic visualization • Excellent flow - Allows filling of accessory canals X-ray after the use of MTA-Fillapex in extracted roots In 2016, it was the turn of the MTA Repair HP - composed by MTA Angelus technology, high plasticity, for ease of handling, and Calcium Tungstato as opacifier, avoiding the tooth color change. Clinical Case³ MTA Repair HP M Bioceramic reparative cement with high plasticity Bio • Fo Formula with P.A. raw material - No contaminants or heavy metals h • High plasticity - Better handling and insertion • Bismuth-free - Does not stain the dental structure Initial X-ray Final X-ray In 2018, we will begin the year with many new Bioceramics products MTA-based. Do not lose it! Radiographs gently provided by Profs. Drs.: ¹Clóvis M. Bramante, ²Leandro A. P. Pereira and ³Mario Zuolo ‘18