STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3 SEJ_3-2017_Online | Page 23

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seals , removed teeth and the level of hygiene of the oral cavity . The number of complications in the postoperative period was calculated . The level of the alveolar bone loss was assessed during the long-term follow-up ( after 1 year ) on the basis of the mandibular bone tissue parameters determined on the basis of cone-beam computed tomography measurements also taken at 1 year postoperative . Measurements were carried out : 1 ) at two symmetrical points , in the area of chewing teeth , focusing on the location of the mandibular canal ; 2 ) at two symmetrical points in the frontal part of the jaw , focusing on the line of canine teeth . 9 The data obtained during the study were subjected to statistical processing using the “ Statistica 10.0 ” software package . 10
3 . Results In the postoperative period in group 1 there were 6 ( 9 %) cases of infectious-inflammatory complications - alveolitis . Two ( 3 %) of the cases occurred after the atypical removal of the third molar , and 4 ( 6 %) after the operation of surgical tooth extraction . In Group 2 there were 2 ( 3 %) infectious-inflammatory complications : 1 ( 1.5 %) case was alveolitis as a result
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Number of infectious-inflammatory complications
Figure 1 . For each group the number of infectiousinflammatory complications is outlined together with the numbers of non-complicated cases in the same group .
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6 of the atypical removal of the third molar , 1 ( 1.5 %) - tooth extraction that was performed 11 months after the previous operation of the root apex resection of 4.5 tooth and cystectomy . It should be mentioned that this latter complication can be attributed to the errors of endodontic preparation of the tooth for the operation , since according to the retrospective study of the primary documentation it is known that the root canal of 4.5 tooth was sealed more than 5 years ago and the clinical quality control of the canal filling was not carried out following the patient ' s insistence . In Group 3 , 19 ( 28 %) infectious-inflammatory complications were detected . 7 ( 11 %) complications occurred after the atypical removal of the third molar , 9 ( 13 %) after the surgical extractions of the lower jaw molars / premolars following a diagnosis of chronic granulomatous periodontitis , in 3 ( 4 %) cases the chronic granulomatous periodontitis was without exacerbation . The results obtained are consistent with the reports in scientific literature . 12 The complication ratio in the different groups is shown in Figure 1 . The results of the volume measurements indicate a preservation of bone volume , which is highest in the " Collost " group , followed by the " Collapan " group and the controls ( Table 3 ).
4 . Discussion The present study highlights the advantage of using the osteoconductive bioresorbable “ Collost ” membrane for the prevention of the mandible alveolar socket atrophy , which is in line with the reports of Seliverstov et al . and Medvedev et al .
13 , 14
( 2015 ).
5 . Conclusion The results of the study showed that the use of osteoconductive bioresorbable “ Collost ” and “ Collapan ” membranes does not increase the complication rate of alveolar socket healing in the mandible . These preliminary results favour “ Collost ” over “ Collapan ”.
Author Contributions Equal contribution to the paper . Acknowledgments The authors declare no conflict of interest related to this study . There are no conflicts of interest and no financial interests to be disclosed .
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6 . Prajapati VK , Mitra R , Vinayak KM . Pattern of mandibular

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