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Prevalence of malocclusions in a sample of 4-5-year-old Bulgarian children

General morphological and functional development of the stomatognathic system . 4 , 10 The correct development of a stable , functional and aesthetically acceptable occlusion is an integral component of a comprehensive oral health care for all pediatric dental patients . 23 Further research is needed to establish the development of the dentition and malocclusions in the next stages of the dental development in this sample , and the relatively small sample size is a limitation of our study .

5 . Conclusions This cross sectional study provides present-day data about the prevalence of malocclusions in a sample of 471 Bulgarian children with primary dentition . Statistical differences in the type of dentition , a deep bite with gingival contact and a posterior edge-to-edge bite were found . Class II canine occlusion , a distocclusion , a deep bite , no spacing and crowding and an increased overjet were the epidemiologically-relevant malocclusions in our study . Due to the high prevalence of malocclusions in deciduous dentition , it is necessary for children to be regularly examined at an early age and the occlusal development should be individually assessed . Early attention may be given to malocclusions and their prevention , and especially to those caused by external etiologic factors like bad habits and incorrect oral functions .
Acknowledgments The authors declare no conflict of interest related to this study . There are no conflicts of interest and no financial interests to be disclosed .
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72 Stoma Edu J . 2017 ; 4 ( 1 ): 68-73 . http :// www . stomaeduj . com