stomaeduj 2 SEJ_1-2017_screen | Page 65

Figure 1. Ameloblastoma. Figure 2. Six Months post-operative. Repair with split rib and reconstruction plate. Do posterior teeth supra-erupt when opposite resected segments have not been prosthetically restored? 5. Conclusion Posterior teeth opposing unrestored resected segments of the maxilla or mandible did not supra- erupt over long periods of time. It is speculated that the interposition of the tongue to brace the mandible on swallowing prevents the unopposed molars and premolars from supra-erupting. Figure 3. Six years post-operative. No supra-eruption of the teeth opposing the resected section. Moreover, it seems that the ventral surface of the tongue can also function in this manner preventing super eruption of mandibular teeth. It is noteworthy that super eruption did not occur in patients were the surgical reduction extended beyond the definition of the SDA to include premolars, canines and even the incisor teeth. These situations may be considered as unilateral ultra-shortened dental arches. Even in patients who underwent partial glossectomies, the remaining tongue appeared to preserve oral function and hinder super eruption. However, prosthetically augmenting the palate for lowering the occlusal plane and thus enabling the remaining tongue to keep the bolus over the dorsal surface, is still advocated in some patients. 16 Further lowering the occlusal plane may bring it below the maximum ability of the buccinators contraction. 17 To summarize, within the limits of this study, restoration of the posterior jaw defects merely for prevention of future super eruption appears unjustified. Thus the time-old principle by DeVan “Our objective should be the perpetual preservation of what remains rather than the meticulous restoration of what is missing.” is still valid. 18 Stomatology Edu Journal Figure 4. Ameloblastoma. Treated by hemi mandibulectomy and restored with split rib and reconstruction plates . Figure 5. Twenty two years post operative. No supra- eruption of the unopposed maxillary teeth opposite the resected segment. 65