Stewardship Materials 2019 Annual Pledge Drive | Page 2

Dear Friends in Christ, A few months ago we received a thank you note. There wasn’t a signature but we know it didn’t come from anyone who attends our church. The card expressed deep gratitude for the important role Bethlehem has played in providing a safe space for their support group to meet for the last several years. The group can’t afford market rate for rent. They can’t afford not to meet. Ensuring that they are able to use our facility gives them the space they need to find healing. Of course, there’s nothing free about the space. There are all kinds of costs that come with maintaining both of our facilities, providing programming, and creating ministries that meet the needs of those we serve. But this congregation believes that what is given to us is a sacred trust, freely given to us by God, to be used for God’s work in the world. On Sunday, October 28 we will be collecting your pledge in worship. You have made a commitment to be a part of this congregation. You worship with us. You pray with us. You learn and grow with us. You serve with us. You’re in this with us. Your pledge helps us to make big plans for 2019. Your pledge makes it possible for this congregation to create a responsible budget. It gives us the ability to implement God sized dreams. It helps us to make space for and respond to people in need. In making your commitment you will be saying to the nearly 4000 others who call Bethlehem their church home that our work together makes a difference for this world that God loves. It may be said that nothing in life is free but we hold fast to the truth that God provides all we need and that there’s nothing that separates us from God’s love in Christ Jesus. In his letter to the Ephesians Paul writes, “For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Through Jesus we encounter God’s gifts of abundant life, hope, freedom and a future. And it’s all free. Together we join in responding to that freedom. Pastor Mary Pechauer Pastor Ben Cieslik Because of your generosity, many dreams were realized in 2018. Here are just a few: • 431 people of all ages engaged in new experiences over the summer that challenged them to grow in faith: Vacation Bible School , Bible Camp, Voyager Canoeing, City Stays and traveling to Israel/Palestine. From one participant who traveled to Israel/Palestine: “Because of this experience I am more willing to speak out about issues I care about...this trip was inspiring and transformative.” • We increased our commitment to Habitat for Humanity for two weeks this summer. 65 workers, donating almost 900 hours to work on new construction in north Minneapolis. Now there is one more affordable home for a family in the Twin Cities. • More than 450 people received support through Starfish ministry, a collaborative ministry with Judson Baptist. Volunteers meet with people one-on-one to offer care, direct resources and provide financial support. Every story is unique. Lives are changed. Hope is restored. What dreams might be realized in 2019 because of your ongoing generosity?