STEM CHALLENGE yeliz ingilizce plan-dönüştürüldü

Fields of study Department Subject Expected Behavior Pre-School Water-powered machines Expected Behavior 1: Gives attention to object / status / event. Bottom steps: 1. Focuses on the object / situation / event that needs attention. 2. Ask questions about object / status / event. 3. Describes the object / status / event in detail. Expected Behavior 4: Nesneleri sayar. Bottom Steps: 1. Forward / backward rhythmic counts one by one. 2. Indicates the number of objects specified. 3. Tells how many objects you have. Expected Behavior 11: Nesneleri ölçer. Bottom steps: 3. Tells the measurement result. 4. Compares the measurement results with the predicted results. Subject Area Expected Behavior 2:Nesne/durum/olayla ilgili tahminde bulunur. Bottom steps: 1. Tells his / her guess about the object / situation / event. 2. Explains the tips about the estimation. 3. Examines the real situation. 4. Compares the actual situation with the estimate. Expected Behavior 20: Prepares graphics with objects / symbols. Bottom steps: 1. Creates graphics using objects. 2. Creates graphics by displaying objects with symbols. 3. Counts objects or symbols that make up the graphic. 4. Examine the graph and explain the results. Designs machines working with water. Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, Electric circuits, Golden ratio, The works of Leonardo and Jazari, World Art Day, Art and Science Introduction Stage The teacher gives the children battery-powered toys. Some of the toys have run out of batteries. Some of the toys are are not working because their batteries are run out and that situation noticeable by the children. How can we run toys without a battery?