STEAMed Magazine July 2016 | Page 27

and whose abilities are greater than the abilities of normal humans.”  If we unpack that definition a bit, it could mean many applications to the world around us. The students and I discussed examples of this: Mechanical Devices in the human body? What are some examples of those? This could mean anything from knee replacements to the human body itself with its complex system of levers. In the same thread, this could be anything prosthetic.  This idea opened up a long conversation into medical and technological advancements in the area of prosthesis. Electrical Devices? What are some examples of those? The first one that came to the minds of my students were pacemakers and how they are used to regulate the human heartbeat. They also made the connection between this and cochlear implants.   Now that we had identified examples of mechanical and electrical devices, it was time to move to the next part of the definition: “Abilities are greater than the abilities of normal humans.”  Our examples helped people regulate human abilities, but what about examples of human becoming exceptional, or enhanced, with the use of mechanical or electrical devices? This investigation led us to real-life examples of cyborgs. One of the best know examples of a real-life cyborg is artist, Neil Harbisson. He was born completely colorblind and uses an electronic eye, or as he calls it, an eyeborg, to transmit color using sound. He essentially hears colors. These colors even span beyond our normal human capabilities and his understanding of the world around him is far more in depth than ours could ever be. There are many other examples of real-life human cyborgs and I encourage you to have your students find some that interest them as well as brainstorm what they would personally choose to alter if given the chance and unlimited resources. Once we decided to make Cyborg Masks and drew some preliminary sketches, I gathered up some plaster gauze and some molds to create our foundation. Some students opted to create STEAMed Magazine 27 July 2016 Edition