STEAMed Magazine July 2016 | Page 24

to Must because it's in there, buried beneath everything else that we should and shouldn't be thinking about. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) has been a big push for a while now and some folks argue that by adding the “A” (arts), we are doing a disservice to teaching those other 4 areas. What do you think? In your experience, what role do the arts play in the STEM fields? I'll tell you one of my favorite little stories by Joseph Campbell: The man killed the bird And with the bird, he killed the song And with the song, himself. That's what we're doing right now all over our planet. We're killing the song. Maybe it's why we have so much conflict and hate and war and destruction of natural resources. Without the song, we just won't make it. The song is why we are here. 
 You’re a keynote presenter at this summer’s online Arts Integration and STEAM conference. Can you give us a sneak peek at what you’ll be sharing? I will publicly be sharing a list of my own Shoulds! One of which is: You should never talk about your Shoulds! Can't wait! If you could give one piece of advice to educators, what would it be?   You all rock. Seriously. You have one of the hardest jobs I can think of. And you're growing our littlest people emotionally, mentally, spiritually. You are heroes. Thank you for doing what you're doing. Thank you for moving our world forward. 
 ** As told to director of eLearning Brianne Gidcumb on June 7, 2016 STEAMed Magazine 24 April 2016 Edition