STEAMed Magazine July 2015 | Page 11

BEETHOVEN IS KNOCKING! Beethoven said, “Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents.” Today’s research says Beethoven was right! Connections made from and with music are powerful, cross brain hemispheres, and allow for depth and breadth of understanding. I have been teaching music integrated lessons for 15 years, both with my students at Texas Tech University as examples of how to incorporate music in their future classrooms and to the elementary schools I serve as a Teaching Artist each week. While still in my undergraduate, I had the honor to study at a summer workshop with Bonnie Boyd, flute professor from Eastman. While there, I had the pleasure of taking an elective class with Gary Karr, world-renowned bassist. He shared with us ways to “take music to the people.” Ever since, I have been on a mission to open doors through the integration of music. The most rewarding challenge, I feel in Teaching Artistry, is using authentic quality music literature, whether that be art/classical, world, or traditional children’s music. And yes, I’m a selfproclaimed “music snob.” I find little creative performance satisfaction by using many of the songs that are often used in classrooms to teach core concepts. For example, “piggyback songs,” which are known melodies with changed lyrics appropriate to a certain topic -think the ABC songare popular. The well known “Clementine” is then changed to “Evaporation, condensation, precipitation all around. Accumulation, evaporation, the water cycle goes round and round.” While this song is fine and does incorporate music, how much IMAGINATION is included in this song? More importantly, how much inspired