STEAMed Magazine April 2015 | Page 9

CRAYONS IN ALGEBRA CLASS? BY ROBIN WARD and MONICA WILSON Although there is no shortage of word problems that require algebra students to compute, graph, and interpret Conceptual art. LeWitt's wall drawings, which he began making in slopes and intercepts of lines, many of these problems lack the 1968, are much like musical scores: LeWitt's intention was that they relevance and true connectivity to capture teens’ interests and be originated by him, but be carried out by trained artists; hence which richly engage them in the problem-solving process. This the idea behind Conceptual Art. For LeWitt, the most important is not the case when Sol LeWitt’s wall drawings are the focus of aspect of a work is the artist’s concept, not necessarily the finished an algebra exploration! product. According to LeWitt, “…all of the planning and decisions Born in 1928 in Hartford, Connecticut, Solomon (Sol, for short) LeWitt is regarded as a founder of both Minimal and are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art.”