STAY AHEAD IRELAND Stay Ahead Winter Ready Edition | Page 32

Snow & Ice Snow and Ice can hinder us in completing even simple every-day tasks owing to the increased risk of a slip and fall. Whether it is conducting an external patrol or creating additional difficulties on your commute i.e. treacherous driving conditions or cancellation of public transport. Never underestimate the additional hazard this brings and make sure you are adequately prepared. Make sure you allow extra time for your journey and inform the Communications Centre of any problems at the earliest opportunity. Ice or snow covering pathways potentially disguises curb edges, hides potholes and changes in surface levels which further increase the risk of sustaining a slip, trip, fall injury. Ensure you proceed with caution when carrying out external patrols, taking extra time to think of your movements and consider any requirement for additional PPE. It may be that you need to take your torch during the day owing to reduced lighting levels or you may need to amend or even suspend patrols routes in extreme weather conditions. Ensure you make yourself aware of your responsibilities and the site specific Assignment Instructions with regard to undertaking gritting on site i.e. who to contact. You should not carry out gritting on site without prior 32 page authorisation from your line manager following completion of appropriate assessments and training. Remember if in doubt put your Safety First and raise any concerns with the Communication Centre.