State's Attorney | Page 21

M E A O N N S T A NO! H T W O N K NO MEANS NO No \ no \ n. pl, noes or nos \ 1noz \ 1: Refusal, denial. 2. A negative vote or decision. 3: No at all; nu; the opposite of yes. 4: Not so. No \ no \ adv. 1: Used to express the negative or an alternative. 2: In no respect or degree. 3: Not so. • • • • • • • “Stop” means no Turning away means no “I don’t want to” means no Shoving you away means no “Leave me alone” means no Passed out means no “I’m not ready” means no • • • • • • • Pushing you away means no “I don’t feel like it” means no Drunk or drugged means no “Get away from me” means no Screaming means no “Don’t” means no Crying means no YES MEANS ONE THING ONLY: Freely given consent where both person’s needs, wants and desires are an integral part of the interaction. Office of Woman’s Programs / Office of th Dean of Students / Student Affairs • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign WHAT IS SEXUAL VIOLENCE / ASSAULT? Sexual assault is defined as any sexual activity involving a person who does not or cannot (due to alcohol, drugs, or some sort of incapacitation) consent. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services “sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention.” Sexual assault is therefore somewhat of an umbrella term and can describe many things including: • • • • • • • Rape, including partner and marital rape Unwanted sexual contact (touching or grabbing) Unwelcome exposure or another’s body, exhibitionism, or voyeurism Child sexual abuse Incest or molestation Sexual harassment Sexual exploitation of clients by therapists, doctors, dentists, or other professionals From Pondoro’s Project, It is important to remember that cannot consent also includes cases that are often referred to as statutory rape. If a minor is engaged in a relationship, even by “choice,” with a person over the age of consent, it is a form of child sexual abuse. Furthermore, a parent cannot give consent for a child to participate in such a relationship. IF YOU HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED… No matter what the circumstances were, it wasn’t your fault. Know that you have options, talk to a trusted adult. If you have been sexually assaulted, it is important that you seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be injured or at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a sexually-transmitted disease. In addition to the Medical Screening Exam, a police evidence collection kit may be done to preserve evidence of the assault. This can only be done with your consent. A doctor or nurse will look for evidence related to the assault, including possible DNA from the offender on the survivor’s clothing and/or body. Therefore, please do not eat, urinate, shower, bathe, douche, or b