STARTUP 1 | Page 161

validity of this performance didn’t only have a commemorative reason, but meant also the expansion of the “Rebirth” network thanks to the integration of new members to the ensemble of ideas and experiences linked to a global project. This way, Rebirth´s Cuban chapter was reinvented. It was a new birth, a miracle, because, as Hannah Arendt said:

Every act, seen from the perspective not of the agent but of the process in whose framework it occurs and whose automatism it interrupts, is a "miracle" that is, something which could not be expected. If it is true that action and beginning are essentially the same, it follows that a capacity for performing miracles must likewise be within the range of human faculties (...) Hence it is not in the least superstitious, it is even a counsel of realism, to look for the unforeseeable and unpredictable, to be prepared for and to expect "miracles"(…) And the more heavily the scales are weighted in favor of disaster, the more miraculous will the deed done in freedom appear; for it is disaster, not salvation, which always happens automatically and therefore always must appear to be irresistible.

December 18, 2015

Erick González León

(Rebirth Embassy, Havana, Cuba)

Translation by Lauren García Campello