STAR-POST (Art) January 2020 FINAL_STAR Post Art Jan 2020 | Page 62

Key Takeaways O ver the 5-day workshop, our group had opportunities to learn and hear from the 4 guest speakers- Yoko, Renee Ting, Pixie Tan and Guo Liang on their own personal encounters, challenges and experiences in making or pursuing art. Through their sharing, we learnt how art could be used to practise self-care, develop resilience and passion for their individual craft. The many conversations and dialogues enabled us as teachers to reflect and also to understand the various challenges that our students might face if they choose to pursue art as their career or profession. In this VUCA 21st century, we have the responsibility to guide our students to be open and ready for the challenges that lie ahead. CAPS! 2019: A Self-Care Guide: Teacher-Artists’ Edition Lin Lifen Colene Art Coordinator Holy Innocents’ High School 62 63