Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks September 2015 (Internet) | Page 17

There is an ongoing battle between the interweb and the internet. What’s the difference? You may ask. The interweb is a free for all web of alliance Sharing digital information in any form No charges, no need for money. Pirating music and film to the faithful. The internet is businesses trawling the web for customers Selling information instead of sharing it Charging for each precious pixel. Telling you to buy bigger, better, brighter Selling downloadable software which is otherwise cracked and free Sending you advertising custom made to you. Everyone’s wall is a newspaper feed If I want the news I’ll look myself. Check out the broadcasts Custom made for the masses. Tell me how you feel, what’s new? Is everything okay with you? So isn’t it fab, grand and divine! You can find out whatever you want – anytime! Just switch on those wifi microwaves tonight Don’t stay up too late, or you might get a fright. If you think interwebbery is strange You’re right, and it can make you quite deranged! Some used to call it the super information highway God! Does anyone remember that? We know it now as the World Wide Web. Not the gruesome INTERNET. 17