Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks September 2015 (Internet) | Page 15

The 10 Commandments of Interwebbery Stefan Barry Welcome to the holy writ of the Web. Here are some simple rules on how to be a better person in cyberspace. (Especially when it comes to feckbook) 1: Thou shalt not use the web for trollery nor harassment. 2. Thou shalt not post false photos making false claims to the detriment of others UNLESS in pure jest and/or with kind permission. 3: Thou shalt not waste time playing stupid little games on-line especially when it comes to feckbook and such like social networks. 4: Thou shall use the web for communication and information, events and sharing. Involving videos, pod-casts, entertainment and such things too. Terms and conditions apply. 5. Thou shalt not post horrendous images to make your fellow humans feel guilty for living in the Western World. 6. Thou shalt not use the interweb to advertise for products UNLESS these products are your own made by your hand. 7. Thou shalt not covet thy friends’ computers by ‘borrowing’ their laptops, chargers, smartphones or P.C.s indefinitely. 8. Thou shalt not abuse mice nor keyboards in frustration. 9. Thou shall worship the interweb once a week by having at least one day off-line. Or for those more holy, who only use the web once a week, may there be freebies. If you are not a web user, we should all worship you! 15