Stanzas: Monthly Chapbooks March 2015: Identity | Page 5

Forging Fiona Grimes We are not a ‘we’. We are an abstract delusion society has created. We are not moulded, nor conformed to perception and judgement. We will never be a ‘we’. I am an individual. My mind is free and open: not sculpted. You are ‘you’, An indescribable fragment, possibly imagined. Your name is scrawled across the inner workings of my mind like a never ending, stratospheric, diamond shower. We co-exist and move together, But we do not move as one. We never will move as one. My heart is too stubborn to settle for half a heart. Tearing hearts in two just to join with someone new seems pointless when it functions and remains unblighted if un-torn. I am ‘I’. You are ‘you’. Object and abstract does not make one, and it certainly doesn’t make two. 5