Stage Competitor to Fitness Model | Page 3

As bodybuilding becomes more admired and accepted and people wanting a ripped, toned and healthy body becomes more popular every day, I often see the other side of the story. There are people who think that bodybuilding gives nothing to anyone, least of all the general public. My view is that bodybuilding actually provides many important things to people and I have listed three examples of this below. · Entertainment · Discipline · Self-belief Self-belief is what defines the mindset of a competitor. It involves people putting themselves first and doing what it takes to challenge their body and mind to reach another level. If you think it is a selfish thing to put yourself first and achieve whatever it is you wish for, you will need to understand what it takes to become happier about how you look, how you feel and how the people around you are being affected by what you do. A true competitor has passion, dedication and a love for the struggle. A competitor’s mindset is that 100% effort might not be enough. Sometimes maybe not even 110% dedication is enough. We are never completely happy and are always searching for that little bit more and that is what makes us competitors and some of us winners. Competitors are normal people who love normal things but who choose to make life more hectic and who definitely love looking good naked. pg. 2