Stabilis December 2017 STABILIS December 2017 | Page 4

sHOrTNews 4 Ugly truth could come back to haunt you Year after year we hear on the news and read in newspapers about the mass exam paper leaks, be it for the matric finals or even something as 'small' as a grade 8 practical paper. Many cry ignorance to the fact of the matter, which is that so many factors are in play that there isn't always one party to blame. For many pupils in Grey and quite probably many other schools also, the stress of a hectic school schedule, met with equally hectic duties towards a balanced social life are the reasons some turn to leaked papers. But the real question of the day is: Where do they come from? To give a definite answer to this question, one would have to go through hours of surveillance footage to finally get to an answer. So one supposes that isn't the question that should be asked. But teachers aren't the only ones who are affected as those who write the papers should actually also be taken into account. Pupils who use these papers certainly gain some advantages, but do these outweigh the disadvantages? So is it really a crime worth committing - even if you don't get caught? - RELE TSOAI NB dates 4 DECEMBER 2017: Reports are handed out 6 DECEMBER 2017: School officially closes 17 JANUARY 2018: Schools reopen 27 JANUARY 2018: School athletics 5 FEBRUARY 2018: Prizegiving [Nuus] sTaBILIS S STABILIS Grey Kollege Sekondêr Desember 2017 Museum se kosbare inhoud verdien nuwe voorkoms Die gebou is die bewaarder van geskiedenis Vir die nageslag behou in die Museum. Die Museum wat so stilweg sy plek volstaan langs die Trustkantoor en die koffiewinkel, ontvang baie besoekers. Hierdie pragstuk reflekteer die skool se trotse geskiedenis en die belangrike rol wat dit gespeel het in die vorming van ons land se toekoms. Dit is nie net ʼn simbool van die verlede nie maar weerspieël ook die skool se huidige tradisies. Dit is daarom van kardinale belang dat die museum altyd relevant bly. Die kosbare oudhede in hierdie redelike klein spasie is ongelooflik om te besigtig veral as mens stilstaan en besef dat die Grey wat vandag bestaan die weg gebaan het vir groot name in ons land se geskiedenis – en oorsee- om te skitter. Daar word beplan om ook ʼn afdeling vir kultuur-artefakte te begin om ook daardie belangrike aspek van Grey se geskiedenis uit te beeld en te bewaar. Bouwerk aan uitbreidings het in September 2016 begin en is aan die begin van 2017 voltooi. Spesiale dank gaan aan die Grey reünie wat die bouwerk befonds het. In 2017 is die installasie van glaskaste wat spesiaal vir die museum ontwerp is, en die uitverf van die bestaande museum voltooi. Foto: Eric Diswane Fase twee, die inligtingspanele is reeds in wording. Elke leerder en onderwyser wat nog nie ʼn draai in die museum gemaak het nie, is dit aan homself verskuldig om dit te doen. Die moeite wat gedoen word met die uitstalling van ou tjeks, eetgerei, dagboeke, kledingstukke, medaljes en oorlog memorabilia is ongelooflik, as mens net ʼn oomblik stilstaan en alles in konteks plaas. Al die tyd, moeite en navorsing deur die bekwame museumpersoneel verdien respek en waardering. - DE BRUYN GROENEWALD Set your mind free and turn to writing at Eunice poetry evening With so many talented young writers and poets in Bloemfontein, it was about time a platform was created for them to showcase their talents. On the 1st of September, Eunice hosted its first poetry night. As a first time event of its kind within the school, it was kept a closed event with only the Eunice girls presenting their poems. However, an invitation to a few Grey boys to attend was sent out and two in particular were also invited to perform. Nkolie Hugo on vocals and Rele Tsoai on piano opened the show and did the closing performance. These two say it was an amazing initiative on Eunice's part, well run and well organised. The organisers say there will be more in the future and as the support grows, soon there will be nights open to all pupils in Bloemfontein to dive into the world of the spoken word. Some slam poetry etiquette as the hostesses referred to it, was not to clap… but to snap, a concept many were familiar with but few knew had come from nights like these. An educational experience for not only those in the audience, but those on stage as well, the majority agree they would go back to watch another show. The theme for this particular night was empowerment, with the girls speaking about topics such as rape, oppression and discrimination through the views of young women. While many of the poems demonised the male character, the hope is once the nights are open to other people from other schools, the content can diversify with perhaps some Grey boys defending the character of the male. With an amazing turnout, an interactive audience, some moving topics, lively hosts and performers and free coffee in a rather cold time, this was certainly a night to remember. - RELE TSOAI The Tuckshop is perhaps not to every taste Supporter of Grey College Proud supporter of Grey College The Tuckshop, sacred ground for Grey boys young and old, was finally reopened after what felt like an eternity of renovations. With some resistance, which was to be expected as it was such an iconic place, the Tuckshop is back to full functionality with its brand new look. A much more modern alternative to the old look, the new Tuckshop is the historical turning point Grey needed, to mark the era of a new generation of Grey Boys. But with that being said, how long will it take before all see it this way? The majority of Grey Boys are of primary school descent and for this group of Grey Boys, the only Tuckshop they ever knew was the rusty old place. Complete with a table tennis table, a pool table and a foosball table, this was a sanctuary for most of the boys. But with the dawn of the new generation came new generational problems that needed to be addressed, whether or not many would have liked to hear these problems. For one, with the busier schedule of the modern Grey Boys, keeping up the appearance of having time to play a game of pool or table tennis every now and then has become tougher. It thus makes sense that the new Tuckshop has none of these facilities, mainly because of how they slowly collected dust as time went on. Secondly, one good thing many Grey Boys must agree to be a benefit in the new Tuckshop is the increased number of wall sockets. With so much going on in the average Grey Boy's life and so much of this happening on their mobile devices, it only made sense to add the wall sockets. But was this trade truly worth it? Depends on who is asked. Many boys have the knee-jerk reaction of instinc- tive complaint, instant dissatisfaction, complaining against anything new because that is not how things used to be. Learners complained about everything at the Tuckshop; the atmosphere was too sterile, the food was too expensive, queues which were ordered now took too long to be served... On the flip-side there are boys who don't really mind the changes as long as they get their daily dose of grease and sugar. It is a very old truth that one cannot satisfy all of the people all of the time; the Tuckshop has changed so the best option would be to simply accept it. As eventually every- thing new is accepted. One thing that didn't change, however, is the energy one feels walking into the Tuckshop. Still the hub of Grey, the Tuckshop remains a sanctuary for Grey boys, young and old. - RELE TSOAI The new modern take on the Tuckshop. Photo: Eric Diswane