St Margaret's News April 2015 | Page 3

Greeting from Winifred This email was received from our past member, Winifred Maindonald, on 15 March. Winifred now lives in Wellington, New Zealand. Hello Brian, I see you are doing the church newsletter monthly. I want to tell you how much I enjoy them. I especially appreciate the sermon by John Williams in the March edition. I am going to a Presbyterian/Uniting church within walking distance from our house. The choir is only small and has a role fortnightly. Nevertheless, it is good to be able to participate. We are still sorting out ‘stuff’ at home but feel settled enough to begin enjoying what Wellington has to offer - U3A groups, local walking, community singing, international folk dancing, Welsh society, Botanical society groups. Relatives are beginning to discover we are here : a sister -in-law called by as she was passing through last week and a daughter of one of John’s cousins lives nearby. We see our daughter and family frequently - three grandchildren. Give our greetings to one and all. Bye, Winifred Contributions Wanted All members of St Margaret’s are invited to contribute articles and photographs about things that have happened or are going to happen at St Margaret’s, including events conducted on the premises by others. Articles about members own involvements in things of interest to other members are also welcome. The deadline for material for the next issue is 8 May, with that issue being published on 15 May. Material should be given to the editor Brian Rope or to Lynda at the office. It may be handwritten or typed. It may be posted, emailed or personally delivered. The Editor reserves the right to edit, or even not use, material. St Margaret's News 3 April 2015