Saint Today   MAY CROWNING By Lily Kinnison This year, St. Austin’s May Crowning took place on May 12 following Mass. Each class had a vase filled with beautiful flowers to place in front of the statue of Our Lady. The timing was perfect, since the one hundred year anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima was on the very next day. The school processed out to the front, led by the First Communicants and the graduating eighth grade students, and sang “Immaculate Mary” together. Samantha Winter carried the crown, then Theresa Colombini crowned Mary, as everyone joined in singing “Flowers of the Fairest.” The eighth grade students led everyone in the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, and concluded by singing “Salve Regina,” “Hail Holy Queen, Enthroned Above,” and “Regina Coeli.” The gorgeous weather made for a very lovely ceremony, as we all honored our First Communicants and the Mother of God. THE ST. AUSTIN BENEFIT DINNER By Form V This March, St. Austin held their sixth annual benefit dinner! This dinner was held at the Frontenac Hilton. The evening began with drinks and appetizers for the adults, while the middle school students greeted the guests. The guests then headed into the ballroom for dinner, while the harp serenaded them. The middle school then dazzled the audience with “Ave Verum Corpus” and “Dona Nobis Pacem.” Following dinner, Mr. Leonard Dino gave a moving speech about the school and its great mission. The keynote speaker, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, then gave a profound philosophical talk, and even tested the middle school on their Latin skills. (We made Mr. Capps proud!) Overall, the benefit dinner was our biggest success yet! Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Dino and all who helped in producing this wonderful event. FIELD DAY By Luke Sommer Field Day 2017 was loads of fun. It started with suspense though. The weather was looking bad on Thursday, and no one knew if we would have Field Day. On Friday, we decided to have it, and it was a blast. There were a ton of games including the following: Soccer, Egg Race, Human Rock Paper Scissors, Gutter Regatta, Giant Puzzle, and the classic Sack Race. After the games, we had a lovely Mass, and later had lunch. After lunch, we headed out to play kickball and tug of war. Both teams won one game of kickball and the score was tied, so it was up to the tug of war. The yellow team won three games, and the green team only won two. As the scores were tallied, by a narrow margin of 50 points, the yellow team won! No matter what team we were on, we all had a good time at Field Day 2017.