SSIP Annual Reports 2015 Annual Report | Page 13

13 Biosolids Digester Facilities Project Upgrading the Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) and facilities in the Bayview neighborhood is a top priority for the SFPUC. When complete, the Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP), the largest project of the SSIP, will implement modern technologies for treatment and improve odor control and seismic safety at the SEP. The treated biosolids will also be reused for more beneficial purposes. The new facilities will provide a modern and efficient solids treatment system to ensure treatment reliability, maintain regulatory compliance, protect public health and safety, and meet current seismic standards. The facilities will also utilize 100% of biogas produced to create electricity and heat for plant operations. As we embarked on this much needed work, we began the environmental review process to confirm that the project meets the regulatory requirements and program goals and to identify potential environmental impacts. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was officially released by the San Francisco Planning Department on June 24, 2015. The public was given 30 days to provide formal comments by email or mail. The project team held an open house on July 16, 2015 to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions about the project, followed by the Planning Department’s public scoping meeting where the public provided comments on the environmental review process. Leading up to the scoping meeting, our BDFP team made several dozen presentations to community groups and at outreach events, and made over a dozen print and digital media announcements. This outreach effort ensured a broad awareness of the project and the opportunity for input across the community and citywide. The draft EIR is expected late-2016. The BDFP team released its draft Conceptual Engineering Report (CER) in December 2015. The CER provides the basis of design and includes proposed treatment plant design capacities, layouts, and materials to progress to detailed design and preparation of the construction bid documents. As we move into 2016, the project team will continue to connect with the Southeast community as well as the wider San Francisco population through presentations at community organizations, public events, and digital newsletters. In 2016, the project will start detailed design, continue its coordination with the other projects in and adjacent to the SEP, and prepare for construction in 2018. Carolyn Chiu, Biosolids Project Manager, presenting at the January SE Open House SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM | Grey. Green. Clean.