Spring Issue 2 2017 | Page 18

4. How about the opposite of the above question? Your best friend tells you a secret and she asks you to keep it quiet. You tell someone else without thinking and then suddenly it begins to spread everywhere! When your friend finds out, she’s deeply hurt and upset with you. You:

A. Tell her to get over it and start to ignore her. She shouldn’t be so sensitive!

B. Apologize but don’t work on restoring the friendship, so things continue to be awkward between the two of you.

C. Admit you’re wrong, ask her forgiveness, and begin to show her again that you can be trusted. You work hard at not making the same mistake twice!

5. Your friend asks for prayer and you immediately tell her that you’ll be praying for her. It’s so easy to say “I’ll pray for you,” or type a quick text of, “Praying!”


A. Actually forget about her request and don’t pray about it at all, because you never think about it again.

B. Send up a quick prayer once, but forget to write it down so you don’t pray anymore.

C. Write the request in your phone notes app until you get home and can write it in your prayer journal so you remember to pray for her request whenever you see it.


If you chose mostly A’s: You need to reevaluate what kind of friend you’ve become and your relationship with others. Have you noticed yourself becoming more focused on what you want, than what they want? Work on becoming a better friend to the people God has given you. Put their needs before your own, be honest with them, seriously pray for them, and look for ways to make them feel special and loved. Try talking to your friends and asking them how they feel when you treat them the way you do. Remember to be the kind of friend that you desperately want to have!

If you chose mostly B’s: You could still use a bit of help in the friendship department, but don’t worry, because you’re getting there! You tend to avoid confrontation or hold your feelings in, but part of being a good friend is sharing with each other honestly. So open up and talk with your friends in a deeper, more truthful way. Strive to be a better friend every day

If you chose mostly C’s: You’re being the kind of friend that you would want to have! You’re being honest and encouraging to your friend while helping her be a better person. You are taking this friendship thing to the next level and displaying the true meaning of friendship! Keep it up and keep being the kind of friend you wish to have!