Spring in our Steps Spring in our Steps | Page 15

by Katharine Jin

“The mural looks very nice, but why is it only in French?”

“Love it! I wish there was a plaque next to it so I would know who did it, though!”

“I feel like it looks nice, but to be honest, I don’t see the point of it."

“I mean, I really don’t like the black font, but overall it makes the hallway nicer.”

“Motivating, uplifting indeed.”

“It’s a very well-done mural. I really like the saying. I’ve seen murals before and this one is quite good.”

“I think it’s a good representation of unification, but unification is not always helpful to individual development.”

“I don’t really notice it sometimes. It’s pretty, but the place is kind of awkward. If it was the first thing you saw when you entered the school then it might be better.”

“I feel as if it’s a new addition to the school. It’s very decorative. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to represent, but it’s pretty nice. Also, it makes me feel uncomfortable when I stand in front of it, because it makes me feel as if I’m blocking someone. It also brings bad memories of the drastic change that happened to my elementary school, which just made it (my elementary school) ugly.”

“It’s a really nice picture. The artist put in a lot of effort. There’s a lot of detail. I feel that it shows the artist's passion for the school and their school spirit.”