Spring 2019 Beacon | Page 24

EAST Green Screen

A green screen is a used for photography and video editing. A object or person can be filmed or photographed in front of the green screen. Another film or picture is used as the background which substitutes the green screen. During this project, an EAST student team would go get ideas for pictures around campus. The original plan was to photoshop Josh Jones on top of the field goal. It didn’t work out because there was a sun glare on the field goal which made editing capabilities limited. They then decided they needed an indoor spot for the background. That is when the team took the picture of the weight rack in the Sr. High football weight room. They soon thought of a project. They then took a picture of Josh in front of the green screen pretending to do a pull up. It had to be a cut out and then posted on the background(weight rack picture). Below you will see a before and after photo using the green screen in the High School EAST classroom.

By: Josh Jones, Tony Lorenzana, and Brayson Gibson