SPLICED Magazine Issue 02 Dec/Jan 2014 | Page 130

The Dwarves Fíli PLAYED BY: DEAN O’GORMAN Fíli and his brother Kíli are among the youngest of Thorin’s dwarves. Both were raised by Thorin, their uncle, and as such they’re both skilled fighters with a strong sense of honour. Fíli has never seen the dwarven city of Erebor, and his youth means he’s not entirely prepared for the dangers he’ll face. Kíli PLAYED BY: AIDAN TURNER Fíli’s younger brother Kíli is carefree almost to the point of recklessness. Thankfully, his expertise as an archer often proves more than enough to get him out of a bind. Both Fíli and Kíli are eager to prove their worth to the group. Balin PLAYED BY: KEN STOTT Balin is of noble descent, and is one of the group’s oldest members. He is wise and gentle, despite being forced to live a life embittered by war and the endless fight for survival. Balin is one of Thorin’s most trusted advisors, yet he can’t help but feel a flicker of doubt as to the wisdom behind their quest. 130 Gandalf the Grey PLAYED BY: SIR IAN MCKELLEN A powerful wizard (and a hero that needs no introduction to fans of Tolkien’s works), Gandalf accompanies Bilbo and the dwarves for much of their quest. When whispers arise that an ancient evil may be returning to Middle-earth, he is forced to part with his dear companions and venture elsewhere to discover the true nature of a terrible darkness that threatens to engulf the world. Radagast the Brown PLAYED BY: SYLVESTER MCCOY Radagast is friend and fellow wizard to Gandalf the Grey. He serves as a protector of Middle-earth’s ancient forests. Incredibly eccentric, Radagast feels more of an affinity with animals and the forests than it seems he does with other people. As such, he senses the growing darkness in Middle-earth that overshadows the quest to destroy Smaug. FEATURE / MOVIES / THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG