SPLICED Magazine Issue 01 Oct/Nov 2013 | Page 108

The Shining Let the Right One In An adolescent outcast is befriended by his mysterious neighbour whilst her dad/ caretaker/the creepy paedophile who lives with her spends his nights draining the town’s bullies. Go original Swedish version, not the American one; which was also good, and quite true to the tale, but missing the creepiness one can only truly portray with a cold climate and dodgy haircuts. Stephen King notoriously hated it. As an alcoholic himself, he felt that Kubric downplayed the affliction, as well as the supernatural influence making the character less sympathetic. He also disapproved of the casting of Jack Nicholson in the lead. I’m assuming he never watched Secret Window… Psycho A dude in his dead mom’s dress takes out a lady in a shower – what’s not to love? The Fly The Exorcist A kid with a tummy bug hangs out with a priest. Never a good idea. Jeff Goldblum gets stuck in a machine with an insect and comes out looking like… Jeff Goldblum Rosemary’s Baby Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde Children are evil little fuckers. Use condoms. Mama I know the adoption process can be gruelling, but really, the forest? He’s gets out of hand when he drinks. Much like Julie Andrews in the 60’s. IT The move that scared an entire generation off clowns. Insidious Some drawings you don’t want to pin to your fridge. in my Mouth The Human Centipede Dutch director Tom Six attributes the concept for the film to a joke he made about what should be done to child molesters (it wasn’t funny) and experiments carried out during WWII in the concentration camps by doctors (not funny either). The film’s investors were the least amused of all when at the release they discovered the central plot of the film was nothing like what they had been pitched. You, at least, have been warned. You don’t need to watch the whole movie; good luck to you if you try. Google it. See how that tastes. 108 Hitchcock was refused access to film at Disneyland in the early 1960s by Walt Disney, the reason being that Hitchcock had made "that disgusting movie, Psycho" feature / movies / movie list of horror!