Spiritual Badass Magazine October 2017 | Page 39

Your body has some built-in doorways, and because we all learn and experience differently, you might find one that is more direct for your way of being. Explore to find the best way for you.

The breath is perhaps the easiest way to access it, bringing your awareness into the body as you breathe in and out. Put away all distractions and focus on your core. Feel the rhythm of your breath, without thinking about it, just witnessing.

The field of clarity is located below the heart chakra and above the solar plexus, near the low diaphragm, and right in the core of your being. It rides the waves of your breath and is satisfied fully experiencing the moment, without agenda.

Ask yourself is this good or bad? The body is an incredible tool for sensing.

You can start to hone your skill by simply bringing your attention to the area between the heart chakra and solar plexus… and just feel.

Don’t think about it. Feel the richness of your awareness filling the space of your core. You don’t have to stay there long, but you might want to… because it’s delicious and feeds your soul with the nectar of the gods.

It might help you to visualize an image or symbol, like an eye of the tornado to represent the calm within you, that no matter what is happening on the outside, the calm still remains in the center.

Or a drop of pure consciousness, liquid light, falls from the heart space,

creating an endless ripple that radiates through you and through the field. This is how the field of clarity was shown to me.

You might simply quiet the mind and ask to experience the field. Ask and you shall receive.

You can be sure that your higher self, your unconscious and your team of spirit helpers can all direct you in your quest. But you’ll need to be patient, open and trusting enough to allow.

This type of presence is not about being a celebrity or holding a position or image of importance; those are constructs held in your mind and the minds of others. It is not about being ‘more than.’ It is about embodiment.

Presence empowers you. It allows you to stand tall in who you are, full self acceptance in the moment. Communicating your strength and resilience, and the gifts you bring to this world.

Radiating as much outwardly as inwardly. You will soon discover how your presence feels; it is the YOU within the human body.

This aspect of clarity is not about making better decisions, seeking guidance or direction.

It’s about knowing who you are – not thinking you know – but knowing and experiencing in the full richness of self awareness in the present moment.

Which often translates into making better choices and knowing what direction is best course of action for you.