Spiritual Badass Magazine October 2017 | Page 36

and can bring you down faster than a roller coaster at Six Flags!

You are all excited, trying to celebrate a new client, a prospect call or creating

your first group program and he is there being the devil's advocate.

Instead of celebrating with you, he is telling you not to get too excited yet.

There is still a ways to go. What about

the next thing, it isn’t for sure yet and on and on he goes. He is jealous of your success and deep down he doesn’t want you to succeed.

If these are go to responses from your husband, how does it make your feel? How do you think it affects your energy? How does that energy affect your business? Are you starting to see a pattern?

These are just a few of the common ways that your husband can be sabotaging your business. There are so many others

though. I could write a whole book on this.

Did any of that sound familiar? Did it bring up others for you?

Are you starting to think your husband could be holding you and your business back?

It’s ok, you are not alone, and you can fix it.

I will admit, it may not be easy. But if you’re an entrepreneur you’re not afraid of a little hard work!

Are you ready to turn your relationship around? Are you ready to do whatever it takes to have the life, love and business you dream of?

Then I invite you to grab my free guide, How to turn your husband into your biggest cheerleader. You deserve to

have it all: http://bit.ly/HusbandCheerleader

About the Author

Jen Gutfriend is the Sparkly Badass empowering women to create the passionate relationship they deserve by not allowing them to settle for anything less than amazing!

She helps female entrepreneurs improve their existing relationship or navigate the rollercoaster of divorce without losing their shit or their business.

Jen is dedicated to helping women find their dream life husband and biggest cheerleader. Join her amazing community Empowered Badass Women at bit.ly/SparklyBadass