Spiritual Badass Magazine October 2017 | Page 35

Are they also entrepreneurs? Do you need new friends?

Let’s take a moment and look at how these people really affect our life and business. We are all energy, that’s a scientific fact. We are molecules vibrating at different speeds and are attracted to other humans that vibrate at a similar speed or higher.

Look at wealthy people. You rarely hear a wealthy person complain about the economy, the weather or anything else.

That’s because they see the cup as half full. They vibrate at a higher frequency! That’s why they’re rich.

They’re attracted to other high vibe people who also have a glass half full mentality because they want to focus on all the good and amazing things they are creating in their life. Not the few mistakes they have made.

Rich people don’t believe in failure. The believe mistakes are just figuring out what doesn’t work so they can get one step closer to figuring out what does!

So, let's look at your circle again. Are your five people lifting you up, helping you to succeed and create a successful business? Or are they holding you down?

Now let’s look at the person you spend the most time with, your husband. Of these five people, I’m guessing your husband is the person you spend the most time with.

This means that he has the biggest influence on your energy and success. Ask yourself is this good or bad?

If your husband isn’t your biggest supporter, isn’t driven to achieve big goals like you or is ok with accepting the status quo, do you think you will be able to achieve your big goals and dreams?

Your husband can be sabotaging your business right now and you don’t even see it. He may not either.

Here are three sneaky ways he could be sabotaging you and your business.

He is always talking about the money, and not in a good way! When will you make any, is this sustainable, you made more working less hours in your job, when will you contribute _______(insert your husband's go to line here).

How does all this talk make you feel? I’m guessing not very good. Every time he brings this up he is bringing down your energy. And if your energy is low your $ will be low.

The second way he is sabotaging your business is by not supporting it.

Entrepreneurship can be lonely and you need a support system. If you don’t feel your husband is on board, how can you get fully on board yourself?

Even if you say you don’t need his support, you really do. Deep down inside you do.

There will always be those nagging doubts and fears that pop up, and if he’s there to amplify them, it can be difficult to push through.

The final way he is sabotaging your business is through jealousy. Yup, jealousy! It is a very low vibe emotion and can bring you down faster than a roller coaster at Six Flags.