Spiritual Badass Magazine October 2017 | Page 29


That’s the super-short version of my advice for those moments when nothing seems to be going as planned -- when everything you want seems out of reach.

Just be right where you are, with an open mind.

Let go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and sincerely appreciate it for everything that it is.

Easier said than done of course, especially when tragedy strikes. We’ve all coped with real tragedies, but let’s be honest: we create a lot of tragedy in our lives out of fairly minor incidents.

Something doesn’t go exactly as planned, we freak out about it and let stress become us.

Truth be told, the biggest difference between peace and stress is attitude. It's

It’s about how you look at a situation

and what you decide to do with it.

It’s remembering that there are no certainties in life -- you don’t know exactly what the future will bring.

So your best strategy for living is to make the best and most positive use of the present moment, even when it disappoints you…

Especially when it disappoints you!

Your life, with all its ups and downs, with all its unexpected twists and turns, has molded you for the greater good. Your life has been exactly what it needed to be up to this point.

Don’t think you’ve lost time. Don’t think you haven’t arrived.

It took each and every intricate and confusing situation you have encountered to bring you to right here,

Doubt Your Doubts Before You Doubt

Your Faith

By Jodie Hart