Spiritual Badass Magazine October 2017 | Page 21

Your energy is the answer to everything. Every problem, barrier, lack in your life

all stems from your energy. Your beliefs about yourself and your potential, your past experiences and how you perceive them, all influence your energy.

It used to bother me that sensitives were misunderstood by the masses, told we should not “be so sensitive” or that we are “too emotional”. I wanted to change the world’s perception of us.

Now I don’t care what the masses think about us. I care what you think about yourself.

Feeling bad about who you are, your sensitivity or your life doesn’t work for me and it doesn’t work for your energy. You are here to do amazing things.

You have great purpose here. I know you feel that, it whispers to you when you’re alone, it pulls on your heart strings. When would now be the right time to explore that?

Life can get busy, distractions take over. That makes it easy to forget how incredibly powerful and magnificent you are.

I won’t stand by and let that happen.

The world needs you. You have gifts to share.

Whether it’s healing powers, creative insight or music in you that the world needs to hear. You are here to make this world a better place to live in with your art, grace and goodness. That my friend is your freedom. Stepping into your calling, being the real you.

You are powerful AF. If you stay small, you will get crushed. This is your time to expand. I’m here to help you.

If you are feeling lost, I’m here to be a lighthouse, guiding you inward, back to yourself. It’s time to stop caring what’s going on “out there”, about what anyone else thinks, says or does. Come home to yourself. Your inner world holds all the answers for you.

If you are starving for empowerment and soul nourishment, I’m here to feed you the kind of soul food you need.

I dish it out in huge portions. The truth about who you are and the amazing things you’re here to do.

Are you ready for bigger things? Get

your free energy assessment, and let's talk about how to help you rise!

About the Author

Nicole Isler is the Spiritual Coach for Sensitives and Chief Empowerment Officer for Sensitives Rising. Her mission is to help sensitives own their power so they can rise and live the big life they are destined for. She's also a freak about energy and here to share all she's discovered over the past 20 years to help you handle life.


She's helped clients who have tried years of traditional therapy go on to start spiritual businesses, become professional artists, authors and healers, rekindle or find love – aka - live the life they only used to dream of. Join the Movement.