Spiritual Badass Magazine July 2018 | Page 6

What would be possible in your life that is not possible now if you felt truly free to be yourself?

As a Health and Wellness Coach, it is my job to work with people, and help them create opportunities they didn’t even know existed.

At the core of this work lies the question, what would be possible that isn’t possible now, if you felt truly free to be yourself?

The journey to that freedom for me was long, winding, and totally worth it!

In 2015 I started a voyage back to myself.


I was the heaviest I had ever been. I was miserable, dealing with seasonal depression, and consistent anxiety.

I felt totally out of alignment with my life and the things I knew were possible.

I had the itch to start something entrepreneurial, but I didn’t have the confidence.

Who would trust me as a business owner, if my own life was so out of alignment?

As I dove into this new health journey so many things started to shift and change all around me.


Free To Be Me

By Alyx
