Spiritual Badass Magazine July 2018 | Page 38


She is the keeper of Witch secrets and now she must hand them down to the new generation of Witches.

This is the time where she finds herself finally allowed time for inner work and self-knowledge. She gets to sit in the comfy chair while everyone honors her. She deserves it! Her children, grandchildren and Female Tribe surround her. She is the Old Wise Crone!

Does any of this speak to your soul? Does any of this make you realize that you’re not living up to your potential? Does this give you goosebumps and just make you want to run outside and shout “I’m a Witch and I’m proud!” Now is the time to stop being silent and live your calling.

Embrace the Witch call. Witch! Witch! Witch! She will no longer be silent in your life. You have stirred the cauldron of your inner Witch and it is boiling.

But the burning question is, pardon the pun, will you answer the call or will you shrink back into fear and live a normal

and passive life? Sister, I feel your pain and frustration. I lived that life for so many years and it is soul-wrenching and it was slowly killing me.

I was shutting up the inner Witch in me with junk food, bad choices, addictions, and a mindless life. My entire life was out of balance.

That was the old me. I now embrace the Witch, my true self that my soul was calling me to be, and so can you! There will be some women who won’t listen to the Witch call because they are afraid to step into their power and do the work of a Witch. This is not you!

Her youthful energy and trusting outlook she has on life. We reflect upon our own youth as she begins her path in a carefree state. She has her whole life ahead of her to live, learn, love, and laugh.

We recognize her as she moves into the Mother aspect of her life. This is where her tribe of women surrounds her as she goes through her rites of passage.

Rites of passages such as her first moon cycle, her wedding/handfasting, childbearing pains, and carrying the responsibility for her newfound role as a Mother/Wife.

We honor the phase of the Crone where her moon cycles end and her new role begins. Her children are raised and gone. Her breasts were used as nourishment at one point in her life, but now it is her wisdom, which nourishes those around her.