Spiritual Badass Magazine July 2018 | Page 24

3 Steps To Freedom Even When You're Broke

By Shannon DePalma

When was the last time you decided what freedom meant to you? Not what freedom means to that girl on your Instagram feed but what it truly means to you?

Some people identify freedom as a thing that will be achieved once you have all your “stuff together” or once you have all the things that make freedom, like the money, your business all systemized, or the RV that allows you to travel everywhere.

It might not look like traveling in an RV for you, it might be just not having a boss that tells you when you can go on vacation. Before we continue on, you have to address, what does freedom really mean to you?

Now I want you to take your list and dig a little deeper with those things that will make you feel freedom or give you freedom, and I want you to identify what is the feeling you’re looking to achieve from those things?