Spiritual Badass Magazine April 2018 | Page 34

I’ll remind myself that we need every one at this particular juncture to lift all of us—all of life in fact—on the planet, and that there are more than enough activated people going shoulder to shoulder to do what’s needed.

We have got to gleam and sparkle,every single one of us, and take our places, and give what we’ve got.

Our gifts together are what will uplift humanity and remake this world.

There’s no need to prove anything.

There’s only:

Get going and do your particular thing,

the choice that energizes you - because your spark is needed now!

About the Author

Shawndra Miller is a writer and energy worker who expands people into their true Divine nature. As a certified Soul Realignment™ practitioner, she reads the Akashic Records for clients’ Divine soul blueprints.

Her readings offer a clear path to shifting the blocks and restrictions that keep people from expressing their full Divinity. Her writing can be found in the anthology Goddess: When She Rules, in numerous literary journals, and at shawndramiller.com.

Special: (password badass).
