Spiritual Badass Magazine April 2018 | Page 28

Knowing your purpose and living it are two different things. Sometimes, we know why we are here.

We know the difference we want to

make in the world.

We believe in our vision and mission.

We feel energized by our purpose.

Despite all of this, we don’t take passionate action to truly LIVE our purpose.

Here are 3 questions that will

empower you to live your purpose…starting TODAY!


Are you truly living or are you going

through the motions of life? How are

you spending your time each day? How you spend your time says a lot about what you value.

Are you excited and want to jump out of bed each day because you are focused

on living your purpose every single day?

Or are you pressing the snooze button wondering what you are going to do today and mumbling to yourself about why you should even get out of bed in the first place?

The truth is at the end of our life, we are going to ask ourselves if we truly lived.

That definition is going to vary from person to person but the foundation of this question centers around whether