Spiritual Badass Magazine April 2018 | Page 17

The world will always be full of negative conditioning and it can take you down with it if you buy in. But you don’t have to believe everything you think or everything you hear. You can decide for yourself, talk to yourself, tell yourself what you need to hear –and choose to rise.

Well F-that. It’s time for a revolution.

But that doesn’t happen in small numbers, we must unite and be who we are born to be. We are in this together.


Here’s to you rising my sensitive comrade. Find your own style as a sensitive. Rock your world. Do your

thing. Make your difference. Shine your light.

Stop explaining, defending, and accommodating when it comes to your sensitivity. This diminishes your

personal power and capacity to handle stress and everyday life. It’s very low vibe and low living.

Redefine who you are. Go back to the basics, before everyone’s input and opinions were piled on top of you. Get clear about who you are-based on who you want to be. Here are a few questions to get you started.

What feels like the biggest obstacle holding you back from living the life you want to live?

How do you feel in your life vs. how do you want to feel? -Example –overwhelmed, heavy, spinning my wheels, tired vs. organized, energized, seeing progress, clear-minded.

How are you showing up now vs. How would you show up if you already had what you wanted?Example –shy, small, anxious vs. confident, vibrant, excited.

Reflect on your answers. What comes up for you? Send your answers to me for a free energy assessment. I’ll help you close the gap between who you are and who you want to be. And of course, join the movement. Your sensitive friends are waiting to welcome you. www.nicoleisler.com

About the Author

Nicole Isler, is a Self-Empowerment Coach for Sensitives. With over 20 years of experience, Isler understands the impacts of stress and mindset correlated with emotions. Understanding energy, biology and emotions gives her the advantage to teach a holistic approach to well being.

Nicole shares her methods for healthier living as a sensitive in her community Sensitives Rising. Join her to embrace life as a sensitive along with strategies for everyday challenges in a noisy world.
