Spiritual Badass Magazine April 2018 | Page 16

I am here to lead sensitives into the free world, where they can say “I am free to be me”–and feel good about it. Because that’s when they step out and make magical things happen in the world.

My community began to grow like wildfire. It filled with sensitives who were ready to rise. They were sick of feeling bad about who they are and

loved the concept that sensitivity was

on purpose, something that made them great.

I knew I had to share my message everywhere and anywhere. The

response was incredible. Sensitives showed up in my community in waves, inviting and sharing with other sensitives.

It was everything I needed to keep

going. To keep sharing what had worked for me. I wanted every sensitive to feel the freedom, to live and enjoy “being”,without the stigma, without the battle to keep their energy high vibe.

It wasn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. When I shared that being a sensitive made my life easier, and that all I had to do was shift my mindset to a better feeling place to feel what I wanted,

there was disbelief. I was called fluffy. Because of the stigma that sensitives

are not in control of their energy or

their feelings, I was accused of pretending I was happy and upbeat

“all the time”. People asked if I was “for real”.

And yet, more sensitives joined my community. They wanted in on embracing their sensitivity to create more ease in their life.

I watched my community grow into a tight-knit tribe. Sensitives wanting to start their own chapters around the globe and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. There’s no going back, we are rising.

I practice and teach expansion. Being more of who you want to be, not playing small,not protecting,not defending. Living inside-out, not trying to manage your energy based on everything going on around you. Ownership is where your freedom rings.

You can stand in your strength -regardless of what’s going on “out there”. You can accomplish a shit-ton of things without needing to retreat for weeks or going into the lonely state of burnout. When you live with intention you set the terms for your life and your energy.

My clients have gone on to become authors,speakers, professional artists, community leaders, mediums and polished professionals. They leave the toxic relationships, limiting beliefs, aimless wandering through life and feelings of brokenness behind. To sum it up, they RISE.

If you’re resonating with my words,if this is speaking to you, this is your moment to rise, to own your power and join the Sensitives Rising Movement.

It’s time for sensitives to move away from the status quo. To rip off the limiting labels like“too sensitive”and “too emotional”, redefine what it means to be a sensitive and lead by example.

At this point on my journey, being a sensitive is what makes my life all that it is –and I love my life.