Spirit Talk & The Professional Medium Issue 5 | Page 6

Is it because we’re actually getting a glimpse of that other reality, death, or is it our subconscious putting two and two together to make 5.38? Some interesting links regarding the consciousness of death: • The Guardian (US) • Independent (UK) What’s it like to be dead once you’ve said hello to your relative and friends and travelled through a beautiful light and landscape? Who knows? Sometimes a medium may say that a spirit they are connected with doesn’t know they have passed over yet. This is quite prevalent in the case of those who die suddenly or unexpectedly; they may think or assume they are still alive, maybe even dreaming; until something in their ‘dream’ or those around them in spirit brings it to light that they are no longer a physical being. There are a few mediums in the office who have had experience with that kind of spiritual transition and the interesting aside is that they were unable to convince the visiting spirit that they had actually passed over. They had to work that out for themselves and “go on”. So even though we are as sure as we can We asked four mediums separately where they thought the world would be in 100 years’ time. It was quite eye-opening to hear the common theme. Will it be enough to make us change our ways? Unlikely, or so they think. I feel within 100 years there will be a lot of disorder and chaos as the gap widens between the haves and have nots. There will be stronger struggles for control and it will get worse before it gets better. Many resources will come to an end and there will be world-wide issues trying to come up with someth