Spirit Talk & The Professional Medium Issue 5 | Page 4

What is it like to be Dead? There are volumes of anecdotal evidence of near death experiences – some fanciful; some make perfect sense even to those who haven’t experienced it. One thing that does seem to be rather a contradiction in terms is the multitude of accounts of people who say they have actually come back from the dead. That’s completely different to a near death experience. You can’t come back from the dead if you are and if you do, well you weren’t dead in the first place! What near death experiencers talk about, in their intensely personalised experience but with many similar phenomena, is the journey towards death, but without ever going over the line. Near means near, not there. Think of a train that stops short of the station, then does an about face and returns to its departure point. During the experience you can take in the scenery, talk to other people in the carriage, but you still don’t know what Chattanooga Station really looks or feels like. To state the obvious we are all spiritual as well as physical beings. The mind, our consciousness is the spiritual part and our biological body is the physical part. They interact to form a functional human being and improve the spiritual self along the way. But what about when they are separated; completely? Death is one way, but there are other ways in which we can become in the same state as death, as opposed to actually dead. The first and most easily identifiable part of the physical and consciousness separation is sleep in its natural state rather than induced, concussed or anaesthetised. Whe